Nexsure® 2.7.5 Release Notes (09-19-14)
- Add attachments to actions by allowing users to drag and drop attachments into actions (with filter for actions with attachments) (F1944, F7456)
- Add action link & ability to associate an action to selected existing attachments from attachment summary (F4636)
- Add ability in Action setup to default name and description for association attachments (F4184)
- Add context tool for actions summary (F4285)
- Ability to link to policy or certificate from the action (F7712)
- Add # of items in in-box to display in parenthesis after in-box name (display (0) if in-box is empty) (F7779)
- Have first in box automatically display as opened (F7780)
- Ability to flag automated attachments viewable for portal and in turn send notification if desired (also match reamining documents where # was removed but is back) (F7796)
- In attachment processing report, show if notification of attachment was sent (F7797)
Client Search & Navigation
- Make named insured and location name links to those screens (F7693)
- Add context tool for verification summary (F4284)
- Add context tool for claims summary (F4287)
- Add context tool for opportunities summary (F4289)
- Add context tool for summary of insurance (F4917)
- Add context tool to activate/inactivate client (F4290)
- Add context tool for units at risk (F7792)
- Add context tool for t-log summary (F7707)
- Add context tool for delivery summary (F4288)
- Change client menu to display Transactions after Servicing option and combine actions, deliveries, attachments and logs under the new menu item of Client Activity (F7709)
- Add links at client name line to add delivery and add action so that these functions may be accessed regardless of which screen within the client the user is on (F7711)
- When copying cert, land on copy (F1024)
- Need to be able to PDF cert with attachments for delivery as 1 attachment (F7767)
- Need to be able to select blank for holder type (in drop down) (F7798)
- Add delivery options to add to add new client entity screen contact section only (F7775)
- Default United States for Country (F7776)
- Copy the phone to phone numbers default on primary if a new contact is added (F7777)
- Add new client - Copy the location name into the address field (F7778)
- Add new view option to tlog - show detail (F7710)
- Add branch logo and color scheme at branch level for delivery templates (F7727)
- Add branch level web address field (F7723)
- Add branch level web address as a delivery template variable (F7724)
- Add First Insurance Funding (F7784)
- Ability to enter Alias for LOB name (F7365, D23776 & D22404)
- Pull alias to invoices (F7186)
- Ability to pull Alias to document templates (F7196)
- ACORD 130 - Updated Work Comp form (F7787)
- Ability to send in force policies to history with a status of lapsed, renewed or nonrenewed (F7764)
- Client Contact XDR - add location name (F7654)
Service Automation
- Ability to turn off cancellation SA notification by reason (F7732)
- Ability to turn off cancellations and auto id cards from SA by branch, including default for new client when adding a client to that branch (F7725)
- Ability to flag clients for service automation by branch (F7726)
- Do not want the client email address required if retail agent is entering info (F7676)
Resolved Issues
- Copying cert doesn't copy additional in named insured field (D25721)
- Unable to import holder list if there is only one Excel file (D25716)
Other CRM
- Retail agents that haven't been used can't be deleted (D25014)
- Unable to delete client with no policies (D24326)
- Travelers PL eServices is unable to select search by Policy Number (D25451)
- Update URL for New Mexico Mutual (D25751)